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Microsoft rolls out new admin capabilities

Migrating workflows to the cloud, securing all company devices and software, and ensuring 24/7 data access are gargantuan tasks that IT administrators have had to accomplish in the past few months due to the pandemic. And they had to accomplish all of these within an expedited timeline. To say that they are the unsung heroes […]

How Managed IT Services Can Solve Data Backup Dilemma?

Data backup is one of the most critical parts of the business. You might have an issue with your system, and suddenly all of your customers’ records, receipts, information, and more is deleted.

But with all of the work you are doing in your business, with everything you have on your mind, it can be hard to remember to keep things straightened out.

How do hybrid clouds make SMBs more flexible?

While small- and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) are increasingly adopting cloud solutions, certain concerns such as security and regulatory compliance have made it challenging for some to migrate all of their resources to public cloud servers. The solution is to adopt a hybrid cloud instead. Hybrid clouds are a combination of private and public clouds. In […]

Why business continuity plans fail

Even the best managed IT services provider (MSP) can overlook certain business continuity plan (BCP) details. This is why businesses should always be on the lookout for the following pitfalls of BCP to ensure that the plan works as it should. Over-optimistic testing The initial testing attempt is usually the most important, because it’s when […]

What Can Cyber Security Consultant Do For Your Business?

When building your business, you should focus on delivering high-quality products and services and managing your back end effectively. In today’s fast-evolving tech world, partnering with an expert cybersecurity consultant is also important to help you combat new challenges and threats to your business’ systems.

Everyone’s role to play in proactive cybersecurity

As IT security consultants and managed service providers, we are business partners who provide clients with enterprise-level IT. We specialize in overwhelmingly intricate technology and keep ourselves abreast of the latest cybersecurity developments. However, as with all partnerships, you have a role to play, too. Here’s how you and everyone in your team can play […]

5 Reasons Why IT Support Is Important For Huntington Beach Businesses

In today’s fast-evolving tech world, IT Support services have become super essential for every company. Cyberattacks and security breaches are rampant across the board, and data security, rescue operations, and the many other benefits of high-quality IT Support Huntington Beach are very much sought-after like almost everywhere else.

5 Common Misconception About Outsourced IT Services

With freelance sites and apps becoming very popular these days, and more people working from home, the idea of outsourcing has become more common than ever before. 

But unfortunately, there are a few misconceptions about outsourcing things such as IT support services that may make people leery about choosing to outsource rather than hiring people in-house.