Try these tips to make your WordPress website load faster

These days, people expect a site to load in less than three seconds. If it takes more than that, they’ll just leave. This will then negatively affect your website’s bounce rate, which measures how many visitors leave a page without performing any action such as purchasing a product. Improve your bounce rate by following these […]

A checklist for avoiding WordPress website issues

Maintaining a WordPress website is not as difficult as it may seem, but there are certain tasks that should be done on a regular basis to ensure optimal performance. In this blog post, we will outline six essential maintenance tasks that all business owners should follow. By following these, you can avoid common problems such […]

Are you using this WordPress checklist yet?

Many will immediately blame hackers for an extremely slow website or being delisted from search engines, but that’s not always the case. When it comes to managing your WordPress website, how sure are you that all your bases are covered? If not, you might want to give this WordPress maintenance checklist a try. Make backups […]

How to make your WordPress website load faster

Whether it’s food delivery or commute, speed matters. And when it comes to website loading time, this principle couldn’t be more true. Twenty-first-century internet surfers expect a site to load in at least one or two seconds. So how does your WordPress site measure up? If you’re looking for ways to increase your site’s speed […]