Protect your business printers from cyberattacks

Protecting your business printers from malicious cyberattacks may be the last thing on your mind, but it should definitely not be. Hackers are always looking for new vulnerabilities to exploit, and, if left unprotected, printer systems can offer a trouble-free gateway into vast troves of sensitive data. To help safeguard against unforeseen risks, take these […]

Keep cybercriminals from attacking your business printers with these tips

It’s easy to overlook printers when implementing a cybersecurity strategy, as they may seem safe from cyberattacks. But in reality, many hackers these days exploit certain printer vulnerabilities to gather information about businesses or even infiltrate their systems without anyone noticing. Protect your business printers by following these tips. What makes business printers vulnerable to […]

5 Tips to lower your printing costs

Your growing printing expenditures may be the result of overdependence on paper files, the lack of an effective printing workflow, or obsolete printers. With some fresh ideas, clever problem-solving, and the following tips, you could significantly cut down your printing budget. Replace outdated printers Your years-old printer may still be getting the job done, but […]

Save on printing costs with these 5 tips

Managing your print infrastructure efficiently is a quick and easy way to minimize your IT budget. Many small and large enterprises don’t realize that they are using ineffective printing models, but you won’t be one of them if you follow these tips. Replace outdated printers Your outdated and cheap printers may meet the absolute minimum […]